• Kawakawa Balm

    From red, and irritated to calm and healthy.

    Kawakawa adds Value to his day to day living.

    Kawakawa Balm 
  • Review Aimee M

    I had really bad skin along my chin because of having to wear a mask as I’m a nurse. It healed it in a week after trying everything else. An incredible nature product.

    View more reviews here 
  • What is Kawakawa?

    Kawakawa (Piper excelsum) is a native plant of New Zealand, known for its heart-shaped leaves and traditional use in Māori medicine (rongoā). Its leaves are rich in bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and soothing properties.

    Kawakawa Balm 

Simple yet effective...Raiha's new Stick Lip Balm that is a must this Summer.

HEY...I found Pounamu(Greenstone) in my balm!

YES... that's right. It's Raiha's choice to add a small little gift of pounamu to each, or most balms. This is our way of connecting energy from us to the receiver. Often our balms are purchased as gifts, so this is a beautiful addition to our balms.

Pounamu is a gift from us to you.

Who is Raiha Rongoa

I am 10 years old and have been making and creating rongoā for 4 years now.

I have been going to hui (meetings), wananga(a place of learning) and the ngahere(forest) with my whānau(my family) making rongoā to share with friends and family.

We are so excited to share our rongoā with you.

Discover the Magic of Māori Rongoā with Raiha.

Learn more about our whanau
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Listen to what my Nanny Tui says about our Kawakawa Muscle Rub